The Q Learning Algorithm

  • the Bellman Equation can be adapted to work as a policy optimization rule
  • model free algorithm
  • samples reward based on policy and adds maximum Q value of new state that may not be equal to the Q value related to the action chosen following the current behavior policy
  • because of this discrepancy, Q learning is called an off-policy algorithm

Q Learning Example Implementation

Please see my Svelte TD Learning Repository for the complete code and the interactive Gridworld Examples for more information.

const QLearningQTableUpdate = (state, a, r, stateNext) => {
  let g;
  if (mazeComp.isTerminal(stateNext)) {
    g = r;
  } else {
    g = r + gamma * mazeComp.getMaxQValue(stateNext);
  let q = (1.0 - alpha) * mazeComp.getQValue(state, a) + alpha * g;
  mazeComp.setQValue(state, a, q);

const runQLearningEpisodeStep = (state) => {
  let stateNext;
  let a, r;

  if (mazeComp.isTerminal(state)) {
    runEpisode();  // run next episode (calls runQLearningEpisode)
  } else {
    stepTimer = setTimeout(() => {
      a = mazeComp.getEpsilonGreedyAction(state, epsilon);
      [stateNext, r] = mazeComp.step(state, a);
      QLearningQTableUpdate(state, a, r, stateNext);
      state = [...stateNext];
    }, 0);

const runQLearningEpisode = () => {
  let state = mazeComp.getRandomStartState();

Berkeley CS 294-112: Deep Reinforcement Learning (Advanced Q Learning)