NumPy Image Data Conventions

Image Data Axes

NumPy and other Python based frameworks - like TensorFlow - define image data as arrays of pixels.

This means, that an image is represented by a 3-dimensional array with:

  • axis 0 representing the image height,
  • axis 1 representing the image width,
  • axis 2 representing the pixel depth (number of color channels)

Following this convention, the Python data shape of an image looks like this:

  • (height, width, depth)


Reading an Image File into a NumPy Array

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

img ="test.png")
data = np.array(img)

Reading all Image Files from a Zip Package

from zipfile import ZipFile
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

zf = ZipFile("")

data = []
for zfi in zf.infolist():
    fi =
    img =